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 Talisman House Publishers

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We would be happy to review your manuscript. The process for submitting a manuscript and having it published by Collins Publishing is:

  1. All manuscripts need to be submitted in Microsoft WORD compatible form either via email or on a CD or DVD mailed to us.
  2. If we accept a manuscript for publication we then quote the author our estimated setup costs to publish (including any cover art, editing, etc.), the costs to print and distribute, and the expected profit to be made from each sale.
    • If these costs are paid by Collins Publishing and not the author, then the author and Collins Publishing will share equally (50/50) in subsequent profits. In this case, all the initial revenues go to covering the setup and proofing costs paid by Collins Publishing. After these costs are re-couped then the author and Collins Publishing will share any further profits equally.
    • If these costs are paid by the author then the author receives 75% of any subsequent profit and Collins Publishing will retain 25%.
  3. If the author approves those figures then we will send the author a publishing agreement for their approval.
  4. If the publishing agreement is approved by the author then we enter the proofing stage.
  5. Upon acceptance of a proof copy by the author we then move into the final production phase and begin distribution.
  6. The profits are calculated after deducting the printing costs and distribution costs from the sales amount.
  7. We send the author a copy of our sales ledger each month and a check for their share of the profits.
  8. From our share we pay for worldwide marketing through Amazon which charges for international marketing.

Any manuscript that is not accepted by Collins Publishing will be destroyed, and the author will be notified via email.

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